Four Tips to Making Mondays a Little Bit Better


Dear Monday
You're the worst. 
Everyone in the world

Starting a new week can be a bit of a challenge, but try some of these tips and make your next Monday a little more manageable. 

Eat Breakfast
You'd never let the kids leave the house without eating breakfast, so why would you? The list of benefits to eating a healthy meal in the morning is long; from cutting down on unhealthy snacking to better brain function. Also, the sustained energy a low-fat breakfast made of mostly whole grains and protein will help you shake off the cobwebs and start the week right. 

Have Something to Look Forward To
Whether it's saving your favorite Sunday night show; to watch the next night, setting aside 30 minutes for reading, or making it your 'diet cheat day,' try to schedule something that you can look forward to on Monday. This way it can become a day you look forward to and not something to dread. Here's a crazy idea: Consider changing your Date Night to Mondays. 

Do Something Nice For Someone Else
Research has shown that one of the best ways to improve your own mood is to make others happy. Try buying in coffee for your crankiest coworker that or ask an elderly neighbor if they need any help around the house.

Make a To-Do List
Fifteen-twenty minutes of planning on Sunday can help take a lot of stress out of the upcoming week. Find a quiet place, pop in your ear buds and make a list of all the things you have to accomplish in the next week in a notebook. Try to prioritize them into categories (A, B, C for example) and start working down the list from most to least important.

We hope these tips can help your week start of a little smoother. What are some of your tips to making it through Monday?  

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